Graduate Student


The Graduate Student Handbook is produced by the Office of Graduate Affairs to serve as a resource for graduate students throughout their experience at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. The Handbook is intended to complement other University publications, including the Program Guide, and assist students in navigating the University and the community. Information and policies in the Graduate Student Handbook do not supersede other University policies and procedures. Click on the image below to see the full document. The Handbook will open in a new window.

The contents of the Graduate Student Handbook are not static; they will be continually revised and edited to better meet the emerging needs of our graduate students. As KAUST grows and evolves, there will be additions and changes to the content of the Handbook. Please refer suggestions for future additions to the Graduate Student Handbook to Graduate Services:

The most recent University policies are located online for enrolled students on the University Policy website and Program Guide.

In an emergency, dial 911 from a campus phone or: (012)-808-0911